Come Join Us!
What better time of year than in the fall to explore the buildings and grounds at the Caledonia Historical Village. The Caledonia Historical Village is located just east of Hwy 38 on 5 Mile Road.
The last open house of the season was Sunday, September 23rd from 11 am to 3 pm. All of the buildings are being cleaned and closed up for the season. Thank you to everyone who came out to visit the Historical Village during the open houses.
The next membership meeting is Thursday, October 18th at 6:30 pm at the Caledonia-Mt. Pleasant Memorial Park, 9614 Hwy K, Franksville. The public is welcome. Join us, learn about the Caledonia Historical Society, become a member. Membership forms can be found on the ABOUT page of this website.
Fund Raisers!
Shop at the Piggly Wiggly on Washington Ave on October 13th from 9 am to 2 pm and buy your hot dog lunch from the CHS volunteers.
Bake Sale! Bake Sale! The CHS bakers are at it again making those wonderful sweet treats. Those sweet treats will be for sale at the Educator’s Credit Union on Rapids Drive from 9 am to 5 pm on October 26th and from 9 am to Noon on October 27th.
A big thank you for the support by the Dogs and Cream, 2721 Douglas Ave, Racine. Benefit Night was Friday, September 28th from 4 pm to 7 pm. Here are some of the CHS members enjoying the food.
Another Successful Festival!
Thank you to everyone, members and their family members, volunteers, donors, and all participants for making the 2018 Heritage Festival a success. Here are a few pictures from the event.
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